Stamp, Charles Edward

Personal Details

First nameCharles
Middle nameEdward
Place of birthSt Helens, Isle of Wight, England
Date of death03/03/1902
Age at death38 Years


Son of Edward Stamp and Edith Saunders.

Charles Stamp was a gardener married to Isabella Garland Brown [m.2/07/1889]

Children of Charles and Isabella –
Charles Douglas [b.29/07/1890]
Winifred Edith [b.8/03/1892 d.9/12/1892]
Mary Isabella [b.10/09/1893 d.24/09/1900]
Edith Elizabeth [b.8/12/1895]
Arthur Kitchener [b.8/03/1901]

Muttaburra Mems.
Quite a gloom was cast over the town on Sunday morning when the sad news was brought to town that Mr. CharlesStamp, a local gardener, had accidentally shot himself dead at about 7 o’clock on Sunday morning whilst out turkey shooting. The sad occurrence took place at Brookwood seven miles from town. It appears that Stamp left his home on Saturday evening in company with his young son, aged 11 years, and then proceeded to Brookwood where he camped. At daybreak on Sunday he procured his horses and went shooting. He had secured one turkey, and was driving along slowly when by some mischance the gun went off, the charge entering the body just below the short rib and going in an upward direction. Death was almost instantaneous. The only words the unfortunate man uttered were, ” Oh! My God.” The body fell across the near fore wheel. The boy, with great presence of mind, unharnessed one of the horses and hastened to Brookwood, three-quarters of a-mile distant, to summon assistance. Mr. Collins, the manager, and an employee hastened to the scene, hoping for the best. But alas, it was hoping against hope, as poor Stamp was quite dead. Mr. Clemesha undertook the unpleasant task of breaking the sad news to Mrs. Stamp. Mr. Stamp, who is about 36 years of age, leaves a wife and four young children to mourn their sad loss. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Stamp and family in their terrible bereavement. Mr. Stamp is a native of Rockhampton, at which place I believe his parents still reside. Mr. Stamp was buried on Monday morning, the funeral being largely attended.
Mrs. Fahey gave a social on Tuesday night which was well attended. It is needless to say it was a great success.
At the Police Court to-day Charles Bohen was fined £5, with the alternative of three months in Rockhampton gaol, for using obscene language.
Muttaburra, March 12th, 1902.
[Source: Muttaburra Mems. (1902, March 17). The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts (Barcaldine, Qld. : 1892 – 1922), p. 12. Retrieved March 28, 2018, from]

Cemetery Record

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Qld Ref; 1902/000029

DEATH. STAMP.— At Muttaburra, on the 9 March, Charles Sump, aged 38 years, native of St Helens, Isle of Wight, England, leaving a lonely and sorrowing wife and four young children to mourn his loss.
Had He asked us, well we know
We should cry, O spare this blow;
Yes, with steaming eyesshould pray,
Lord, we love him, let him stay.
But the Lord dath nought amiss,
And since He hath ordered this;
We have naught to do but still,
Rest in silence on His will.
[Source: The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld : 1875 – 1929), Saturday 5 April 1902, page 15]