Business Records

[Extract] – The Mount Cornish township at the Thomson Bridge is shortly to have an official name given to it, viz.: — Muttaburra. The township has forged a-head wonderfully since the bridge was commenced; there are now three hotels, two general stores, a saddler’s and blacksmith’s shop and two other hotels in course of construction. The bridge will probably be completed by Christmas, and to the credit of the engineer. Mr. Bruford, will be completed within his original estimate of £2,700. We hope now that the detention at the Thomson in the wet season will be a thing of the past.
Peak Downs Items. (1877, November 13). Rockhampton Bulletin (Qld. : 1871 – 1878), p. 3. Retrieved October 2, 2013, from

This section gives an idea of the early business that developed in Muttaburra and the type of people who worked, some giving their lives to open up this region

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
203 Matching Records
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Ah Fong,
Unknown - 27/12/1893
Ah Sing,
Ah Tow, Tommy
Ahern, John (Ahearn)
Unknown - 16/09/1893
Alldis, John
Armstrong, W
Arnell, George
Atkinson, Joseph Richard
Auden, W. D.
Bianchi, Arthur
Blyton, Henry
Booth, Robert Treneen/Treneer
Unknown - 08/01/1920
Brazel, A
Bugler, John
Burbidge, W.
Burrowes, R. W.
Butler, Edmund Henry
Callaghan, E
Cameron, A D
Cameron, John
13/03/1847 - 25/06/1914
Cameron, John
Cameron, R. D.
Cann, Edwin
Unknown - 19/04/1889
Cann, William Henry Walter
31/08/1845 - Unknown
Carrington, John
Cassimatis [Snr], George A.
Chandler, John William
Chapman, T. J.
Chenery, W A
Clayton, C
Clemesha, Samuel
Coaldrake, K. J.
Cockle, J
Cole, W
Coningham, Walter James
Cooney, Thomas
Craven, E F
Crombie, W
Currie, Dominick
Unknown - 24/03/1911
Dachs, Tim
Daley, Henry 'Bud' Alfred
21/08/1915 - 04/01/1982
Davis, David 'Fred'
Dawson, Frank
Dickson, Shirley (McMullen/Beatty)
Dillon, J